The Unity of the Godhead and the TRINITY of the Persons therein.
Matt 28:19, 2 Cor 13:14, 1 John 5:7

The utter depravity of human nature, the necessity for Repentance and Regeneration and the Eternal Doom of the finally impenitent.
Rom 3:23, Eph 2, Acts 20:21, 2 Cor 5:17, Rev 20:11-15.

The Virgin Birth, Sinless life, Atoning Death, Triumphant Resurrection, Ascension and Abiding Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ; His Second Coming and Millennial Reign upon earth.
Matt 1:18-25, Hebrews 2:9, 1 Pet 2:21-24, Acts 2: 29-32.

Justification and Sanctification of the Believers through the-finished work of CHRIST.
Rom 3:21-24, 2 Cor 3:17-18, Eph 4:23-24

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit for Believers with signs following.
Matt 3:11, Mark 16:17, Acts 1:8, Acts 2, Acts 10:44-48

The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the edification, exhortation and comfort of the Church which is the Body of Christ.
1 Cor 12:4-28, 1 Cor 13:9-12, Gal 5:22-23

The Sacraments of Baptism by Immersion and of the Lords Supper.
Matt 3:16-17, Matt 28:19, 1 Cor 11:23-26, Rom 6:3-14

The divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures.
John 1:1-4, 2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Pet 1:20-21

The possibility of falling from Grace.
1 Cor 10:12, 1 Tim 1:19, Heb 3:12, Heb 6:4-6

The obligatory nature of Tithes and Offerings.
Gen 28:20-21, Malachi 3:10-12

Divine Healing through obedience to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ and Faith in His name and merits of His blood for all sickness, disease and infirmities.
James 5:14-18; 2 Kings 1:2-4

Faith in God, the YAHWEH YIREH to supply all financial needs.
Gen 22:12-14, Matt 6:2; 5:34, Phil 4:19